Your Smartivity Box will soon be there with you.
The fun is about to start.
In this blog, I’m sharing a few things you can keep in mind to have the best experience with the toy.
Let’s start with the box.
You’ll find these things in the box: Stencils of parts, rubber bands, and an instruction manual.
Before you take out the parts from the stencils, I suggest you keep some cups nearby to pour the small parts into.
It also helps to make some open space to assemble the product since it may need you to move around.
Once you’re ready, pick up the instruction manual and follow the instructions page-by-page.
If you face any problem during assembly, check the assembly video on Youtube.
Or you can also contact customer care (10am to 7pm).
Most importantly, never give up. Keep trying :)
That is all. I’ll leave you now to enjoy the actual time building this toy.
I will love to see what you make and how you feel about the whole experience.